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Trimprob, lo “scovatumori”, ancora positivi risultati della sperimentazione
Trimprob, lo “scovatumori”, ancora positivi risultati della…
Sulla rivista Trenitino Libero del 4 febbraio 2011 è stata pubblicata un'altra importante, positiva notizia sulla sperimentazione del Trimprob, il…
Multiple genetic loci modulate lung adenocarcinoma clinical staging
Multiple genetic loci modulate lung adenocarcinoma clinical staging
Frullanti E, Galvan A, Falvella FS, Manenti G, Colombo F, Vannelli A, Incarbone M, Alloisio M, Nosotti M, Santambrogio L, Gonzalez-Neira A, Pastorino…
Hospital bodies: the genesis of Italian National Health Service
Hospital bodies: the genesis of Italian National Health Service
L’ente ospedaliero è stato istituito in Italia nel 1968. La sua creazione rappresenta una tappa fondamentale nell’evoluzione del servizio sanitario…
Ruolo della fluorescenza nativa
Ruolo della fluorescenza nativa
A. Vannelli, A. Colombo, M. Lualdi, E. Sottotetti, D. Morelli, L. Battaglia, E. Poiasina, A. Cavalleri, E. Leo  Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale…
Lo screening dei tumori del colon retto: tra federalismo e costi standard
Lo screening dei tumori del colon retto: tra federalismo e costi…
Introduzione. In Italia i tumori del colon-retto sono al terzo posto per incidenza tra gli uomini (al secondo tra le donne) e al secondo posto tra le…
Diagnosis of rectal cancer by Tissue Resonance Interaction Method
Diagnosis of rectal cancer by Tissue Resonance Interaction Method
Abstract BACKGROUND: Since population screening has the potential to reduce mortality from rectal cancer (RC), novel methods with improved cost-…
Veno-venous bypass versus no bypass in orthotopic liver transplantation: hemodynamic, metabolic, and renal data
Veno-venous bypass versus no bypass in orthotopic…
Transplant Proc. 1998 Aug;30(5):1871-3. Veno-venous bypass versus no bypass in orthotopic liver transplantation: hemodynamic, metabolic, and renal…
Reduced acute rejection after liver transplantation with Neoral-based double immunosuppression
Reduced acute rejection after liver transplantation…
Transplant Proc. 1998 Aug;30(5):1855-6. Reduced acute rejection after liver transplantation with Neoral-based double immunosuppression. Reggiani P,…
Small bowel transplantation under oral immunosuppression: experimental study in the pig
Small bowel transplantation under oral immunosuppression:…
Transplant Proc. 1997 May;29(3):1816-8. Small bowel transplantation under oral immunosuppression: experimental study in the pig. Rossi G, Gatti S,…
Hepatitis B and C virus-induced diseases and acute rejection after liver transplantation
Hepatitis B and C virus-induced diseases and acute…
Transplant Proc. 1998 Dec;30(8):3946-7. Hepatitis B and C virus-induced diseases and acute rejection after liver transplantation. Maggi U, Rossi G,…
Post-hepatitis primary disease does not influence 6-year survival after liver transplantation beyond 1 year
Post-hepatitis primary disease does not influence…
Abstract Orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) is used as a definitive treatment for end-stage liver disease and prolonged posttransplant survival…
Pylethrombosis associated with gastric cancer in Moschcowitz's disease: successful management with anticoagulant. Report of a case
Pylethrombosis associated with gastric cancer…
Portal vein thrombosis secondary to gastric cancer has been rarely reported. The main difficulty is represented by the correct differential diagnosis…